Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lectio Third Sunday of Easter

During Lectio on Sunday my verse of choice/work was ‘Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over. ‘—Luke 24
I could not help thinking about Evening Prayer and reading this verse as a call to make time for it. I have a hard time after work trying to leave the office and dynamics behind. I am hungry and I have a rush hour kind of drive ahead of me (how tough is that in FW?) and I have a dog that is inconsistent in housebreaking and I never know what will be there when I come home. I have my book of Christian Prayer in the car. There have been peaceful times when I can use the bridge I walk to my car as a passage from work to the time before I am home. I look over the river where I park and say my evening psalms sometimes well and sometimes in rote and sometimes in the middle of rush hour as I stop and start my way home.  This verse, ‘it is nearly evening’, can be literal, it can be for my age in years, it can be for my working life or for about anything. But today it is a comfort that it is a Scripture I can pray and they are words that Jesus heard and answered in the affirmative. He did stay with the disciples, even if only through a meal.